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Environment Preservation | PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia

Environment Preservation

Environmental Preservation as part of CSER aims to preserve the environment of the surrounding area of Company's operations. The preservation activities may focus on energy use, water use, waste management, recycling, reducing emissions, eco-friendly operation, and business travel policies. These activities are significant in giving positive contribution to the sustainability of the environment.

DDPI has significantly contributed to environmental preservation by developing several programs that are different from common CSER programs, such as coral reef rehabilitation and 10,000 mangroves plantation.
 Environment Preservation  Environment Preservation
Head Office :
PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia (DDPI)
Sinarmas Land Plaza Tower II, 23th Floor
Jl MH. Thamrin No. 51, Menteng
Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
Phone: (+62 21) 3199 0392
Copyright © 2023 PT. Datang DSSP Power Indonesia, All Rights Reserved
Website by IKT
 Environment Preservation