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Health Improvement

Health is a global agenda and all human beings are in search for a better health status, thus demanding huge amount of technical and financial focus. Healthcare activities have emerged as the most crucial CSER activity in current times, especially because the quality of Indonesian public health is still relatively low. Therefore, the Company is willing to carry out CSER activities around healthcare which are expected to improve the health status of the communities.
 Health Improvement  Health Improvement
Head Office :
PT Datang DSSP Power Indonesia (DDPI)
Sinarmas Land Plaza Tower II, 23th Floor
Jl MH. Thamrin No. 51, Menteng
Jakarta 10350, Indonesia
Phone: (+62 21) 3199 0392
Copyright © 2023 PT. Datang DSSP Power Indonesia, All Rights Reserved
Website by IKT
 Health Improvement